
“Kindness inside, to ourselves creates the best version of us. Kindness to others lifts us in humanity together. Humankind at work creates higher levels of infinite success”
~ Joolz Casey
Organisations have been dominated with a mindset for growth and profit. In the study of over 50 years of our recent history we find life is dominated by work, humans ‘fitting’ into complex organisational systems.
Most efforts to improve performance are focussed on systems not humans. The reality is that work and home life are highly affected by each other.
As people we need to feel in balance in both and to maximise performance in organisations we need to start thinking very differently to get better outcomes. A human first approach delivers more by investing in people not systems.

We need to re-think, re-learn, and do things differently if we are to be happy and productive. The use of command and control led leadership is still too much our reality. The digital age is upon us. The mindset of success as a financial and growth driven view, has dominated the last 30 years. People and the planet have been suffering and it’s time to change. Future ‘Rich’ is about relationships, the planet and human happiness.
We have the opportunity to unleash our minds from the trap of thinking that we have no choice but to go to work to live. Organisations that do well in our digital and post Covid world will be those that put humans first and invest in human skills of empathy & kindness.
Our research explores how to harness the real power of human capability, how to unleash ourselves from the chains of having to work and not being happy at work. The simple truth is that we must put humans first. Good work is about good relationships. The #behumankind model offers new and fresh ideas on how to find the things we are good at and love. Then create our best work to get the maximum results for the people we are serving.
Our social and action research explored how to harness the power of human, how to maximise our own purpose to make work meaningful, highly productive and valued. The simple key truth is that we must put humans first in all our thinking about organisational development, design and change. Recent data continues to resonate, with over 65% of people being unhappy at work and over 70% of all change programmes failing. This equates to huge human and financial costs and only lends to strengthen argument that we must have wholesome and radical shifts in how we see and act, in pursuit of good work and living a happy and meaningful life.
Why join #behumankind and have access to its tools and models?
Are you:
- In agreement with the critical importance of putting humans first in the future in our organisations?
- On a journey to a better way of life, a more fulfilling and purposeful one?
- In search of work, that doesn’t feel like “work” but you love and just is part of your whole self?
- Leading others and want to stretch and challenge yourself to be the best leader you can be?
- Keen to share and develop with peers, how humankind ways make for better lives and organisations
- An organisation that recognises your people are your potential, so want to maximise possibilities, it may be you can see low people engagement, it maybe that you need to change and recharge minds, it maybe that you want to maximise effectiveness.
- A person centered service organisation and want to maximise ability to put people first?
- An organisation that believes in the wellbeing of your people, that maximising resilience and wellness at work is both the right thing from a morale point of view as well as the best way to maximise outcomes.
- Recognise a need to work on the culture in your organisation.
Answer YES to any of these questions?
Then we are like minded and potentially we will hit it off! I would love a conversation to explore that possibility more.

Or join us by clicking here to be invited to join the community!

Joolz is an extraordinary strategic thinker and visionary, always at the Centre of personal and organisational change and innovation, she is highly skilled and motivated to help people through the often difficult change process.